
Directory Structure

High-Level Directory Structure

arduinoCopy code<root dir>/
├── ats/
│   ├── apis/
│   ├── database/
│   ├── exceptions/
│   ├── exchanges/
│   ├── indicators/
│   ├── logs/
│   ├── saved_states/
│   ├── state/
│   ├── static/
│   ├── strategies/
│   ├── templates/
│   ├── tests/
│   ├── trading_job/
│   ├── utils/
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
├── custom_modules/
│   ├── exchanges/
│   ├── fees/
│   ├── indicators/
│   ├── strategies/
├── .env
├── environment.yml
├── requirements.txt

Core Application: ats/

The ats folder contains the core application code, organized into multiple subdirectories for modularity and maintainability.

Key Folders

  • apis/ Handles API endpoints, requests to external APIs, and response processing logic.

  • database/ Manages database interactions, including models, schemas, connections, and CRUD operations.

  • exceptions/ Custom exception classes for handling specific errors throughout the application.

  • exchanges/ Connectors and integrations for interacting with various financial or crypto exchanges. Each built-in exchange resides in exchanges/exchanges/<exchange_name> and implements an Exchange class extending the BaseExchange class.

  • indicators/ Implementations of technical indicators used in trading strategies, such as Moving Averages, RSI, or MACD. Each indicator must extend the BaseIndicator class.

  • logs/ Contains application logs for debugging and monitoring performance.

  • saved_states/ Stores serialized states or checkpoint data to maintain consistency across runs or allow resuming processes.

  • state/ Serializable classes extending the SimpleState class for managing and persisting application states.

  • static/ Static assets like CSS, JavaScript, and images for the trading UI.

  • strategies/ Built-in trading strategies, each implemented as a class that extends the BaseStrategy class. Strategies should reside in strategies/<strategy_name> and must define a Strategy class in a file.

  • templates/ Template files (e.g., HTML files) for rendering dynamic content in the trading UI.

  • tests/ Unit tests, integration tests, and other test-related files to verify application correctness.

  • trading_job/ Core logic and classes for managing and executing trading jobs.

  • utils/ Utility functions and helper modules for reusable functionalities like file operations, data transformations, and logging.

Custom Modules: custom_modules/

The custom_modules directory is dedicated to user-defined customizations. It allows users to add their own exchange connectors, strategies, indicators, and fee models. These modules override the core ones in the ats folder if there is a naming conflict.

Key Folders

  • exchanges/ Custom exchange implementations. Each exchange must:

    • Be placed in custom_modules/exchanges/<exchange_name>.py.

    • Implement an Exchange class extending the BaseExchange class.

  • fees/ Custom fee models for defining unique fee structures. Each fee model must:

    • Be placed in custom_modules/fees/<fee_model_name>.py.

    • Implement a class extending the BaseFees class.

  • indicators/ Custom technical indicators. Each indicator must:

    • Be placed in custom_modules/indicators/<indicator_name>.py.

    • Implement a class extending the BaseIndicator class.

  • strategies/ Custom trading strategies. Each strategy must:

    • Be placed in custom_modules/strategies/<strategy_name>/

    • Implement a Strategy class extending the BaseStrategy class.

Root-Level Files

  • .env Contains environment-specific variables, such as API keys and configurations.

  • environment.yml Specifies dependencies for setting up the project environment with Conda.

  • requirements.txt Python dependencies for the application, used with pip.

  • A shell script for initializing and configuring the application environment.

  • A shell script for starting the application.

Last updated