List Trading Jobs

This API lists the all the existing trading jobs.

URL: /trading_job/list Method: GET

Response Structure

        "created_time": "<YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss>",
        "exchange": {
            "namespace": "exchanges:<exchange name>"
        "id": "<Unique job id 1>",
        "is_running": <true or false>,
        "last_started_time": "<YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss or null>",
        "strategy": {
            "namespace": "strategies:<strategy name>"
        "created_time": "<YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss>",
        "exchange": {
            "namespace": "exchanges:<exchange name>"
        "id": "<Unique job id 2>",
        "is_running": <true or false>,
        "last_started_time": "<YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss or null>",
        "strategy": {
            "namespace": "strategies:<strategy name>"

The returned job ID is used for running, stopping and checking status of the trading job.

Last updated